Annual Report




2016 SEC Change @ 80: 80th Anniversary Celebration and 2016 Accomplishments
2015 Innovating for Competitiveness
2014 Fostering Good Corporate Governance
2013 Protecting Investors, Strengthening the Market
2012 Raising the level of the competitiveness of the business community and protecting the interests of the investing public
2011 Enhancing the moral fiber of the SEC human resources
2010 Formulation and implementation of uniform rules on sharing of information, good corporate governance and cross-border enforcement of capital market regulations with its counterparts in the ASEAN countries
2009 Encouraging Philippine Business Enterprises to be Conscious of and Responsive to their Corporate Social Responsibility
2008 Integrity, Accountability, Professionalism, Independence, and Initiative
2007 Observing best international practices and standards for monitoring regulatory compliance
2006 Our children, our future
2005 Enhancing Regulatory Efficiency and Effectiveness toward Strengthening Investor Confidence in Philippine Capital Market Institution
2004 Working to Strengthen Philippine Capital Market Institutions
2003 Fulfilling Our Mandate to Restore Investor Confidence
2002 Towards Good Governance and a Credible Capital Market
2001 Managing Through Times of Change and Adjustment
2000 Changes, Opportunities, and Challenges


Reaping the Benefits of Reorganization: The Securities and Exchange Commission at 67
Social Weather Station Transparent and Accountable Governance Survey 2003-2004
MBC Executive Outlook Survey (January 2003)