Primary Registration of Non-Stock Corporations


Primary Registration of Non-Stock Corporations

Schedule of Availability of Service
Mondays to Fridays, 8:00am-5:00pm without noon break
Who may avail of the Service?
All applicant corporations thru their representatives
What are the BASIC requirements?

1. Cover Sheet

2. Reservation Payment Confirmation

3. Articles of Incorporation (AI)

4. By-laws (BL)

5. Joint Undertaking to Change Name

What are the documentary requirements?
icon_pdfView Documentary Requirements
What business activity requires clearances from other SEC departments and endorsements from other government agencies?
icon_pdfView clearances from other SEC departments and endorsements from other government agenciesw
How to Avail of the Service?
10 mins
Verify or reserve proposed name If proposed name is allowed by the system, the reservation and confirmation notice is printed and given to the applicant; MC#3, s. 2017 P100.00/reservation for 30 days;
10-20 mins.
Present Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws at Green Lane Unit Ground Floor, Secretariat Bldg., PICC Complex, Roxas Boulevard Pasay City Check the document presented. If complete, advise the registrant to pay the filing fee. If not, advise applicant to comply with requirements

Compliance with the following:

Provisions of the Corporation Code of the Philippines, SEC rules and regulations and other existing laws

M. C. No. 21 s. of 2013 on Omnibus Guidelines and Procedures on the use of Corporate and Partnership names

M.C. No. 3 s of 2006 on principal office and SEC MC No. 6 s. of 2014 on amendment of the principal office address

SEC Resolution dated September 18, 2003 on the date of annual meeting

E.O. 98 dated April 28, 1999 on Tax Identification Number (TIN)

M.C. No. 1 s. of 2013 on mandatory TIN of foreign investors

Filing fee for stock corporation:

Registration fee for Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws of a non-stock corporation is P2,020.00

5 mins
Pay filing fee at the Cashier located at the Ground Floor, Secretariat Bldg., PICC Complex, Roxas Boulevard Pasay City and file application with the Receiving Unit, Ground Floor, Secretariat Bldg., PICC Complex, Roxas Boulevard Pasay City After receipt of application, CPRD staff generates the Certificate of Incorporation bearing applicant’s SEC registration no. and Unified Registration Report (URR) None
5 mins
Present Official Receipt to Releasing Unit, Ground Floor, Secretariat Bldg., PICC Complex, Roxas Boulevard Pasay City to get the Certificate of Incorporation Asst. Director reviews the application and forwards it for approval of CRMD Director. None
Note :Duration of activity under normal circumstances