External Auditor/Auditing Firms


External Auditor/Auditing Firms

Schedule of Availability of Service:
Monday to Friday, 7:00 AM to 6:00 PM (no noon break)

Who May Avail of the Service:
Auditing Firms, individual practitioners/external auditors

What are the Requirements:

1.Fully accomplished application form for external auditor (SEC Form ExA – Revised 2019)
2.For sole practitioners, Certificate of Registration as public practitioner issued by BOA. For applicant-partners, PRC/BOA Certification containing the list of registered partners of the firm
3.Quality Assurance Manual (for sole practitioner)
4.Notarized certification that the applicant has fundamental knowledge of the regulatory requirements on each of the secondary licensees of the Commission and compliance with the required 120 CPD units
5.Notarized complete list of corporate clients detailing among others the total assets of each
6.For initial application, certification from managing partner or signing partner (current and/or former) indicating the detailed participation of the applicant in the audit of the firm’s corporate-clients and various positions held in the firm
1.Fully accomplished application form for auditing firm (For initial: SEC Form AuF – Revised 2019)
2.Certificate of Registration issued by BOA to the firm which is current and effective including its registered partners
3.Quality Assurance Manual.
4.Notarized complete list of corporate clients detailing among others the total assets of each

How to avail of the service:

1Secures checklist of requirement from the OGAProvides client a checklist of requirements with instructions.5 minutesOfficer of the DayNone

Auditing Firm
Application – SEC Form AuF— (Revised 2019)

External Auditor
Application – SEC Form ExA— Revised 2019)

2Presents application and supporting documents1) Pre-evaluates application and supporting documents.
a) If application and supporting documents are not complete, the same are returned to applicant with list of requirements not complied with
b) If application and supporting documents are complete, the “Officer of the Day” forwards the application to the Executive Assistant
1 hourOfficer of the Day 

 1) Checks contents and stamps and receives the three (3) sets of
application document
2) Returns one (1) copy of the application document to the client.
3) Inputs application to Index Tracking System and forwards the same to the Assistant Director for assignment

For BSP and/or IC applications:
4) Forwards/Refer to BSP and/or IC applications for accreditation.

10 minutesExecutive Assistant  
4 Selects AFS to be reviewed thru risk based approach from the notarized complete list of clients submitted and forwards documents to assigned personnel with attached copy of completed Pre-Evaluation Sheet.3 daysAssistant Director  
5 Downloads selected AFS and reviews AFS supporting documents using the OGA’s Evaluation Sheet.7 daysAssigned Personnel  
6 Prepares comment letters and Memorandum to operating departments to inquire pending case of client-corporations and status of AFS referrals1 hourAssigned Personnel  

Reviews comment letter and Memorandum and returns to Assigned Personnel to effect corrections. GO TO STEP 6

If draft letter/Memorandum is already acceptable, forwards the same to General Accountant for approval and signature.

20 minutesAssistant Director  

Approves and signs comment letter and Memorandum (applicant will be advised to pay the required processing fee prior to the release of the comment letter)

If draft letter/Memorandum is already acceptable, forwards the same to General Accountant for approval and signature.

20 minutesGeneral Accountant  
9 Prepares Payment Assessment Form (PAF) and instructs applicant to process payment at Cashier for issuance of official receipt10 minutesExecutive Assistant  
10Presents the PAF at the Cashier and settles the required feeProcesses payment and issues O.R.10 minutesCashier

Auditing Firm
Group A
Filing Fee: P20,000
LRF*: P200
Total: P20,200

Group B
Filing Fee: P15,000
LRF*: P150
Total: P20,200

Group C
Filing Fee: P5,000
LRF*: P50
Total: P5,050

Annual Fee**
Group A – P2,500 per accredited partner + P20,000 for the firm

Group B – P2,000 per accredited partner + P15,000 for the firm

Group C – P1,500 per accredited partner + P5,000 for the firm

Individual Applicant-Practitioner
Group A
Filing Fee: P5,000
LRF*: P50
Total: P5,050

Group B
Filing Fee: P3,000
LRF*: P30
Total: P3,030

Group C
Filing Fee: P2,000
LRF*: P20
Total: P2,020

b>Annual Fee**
Group C – P5,000 for each accredited sole practitioners


Auditing Firm
Initial or Renewal
Filing Fee: P5,000
Total: P5,000

External Auditor
Initial or Renewal
Filing Fee: P2,000
Total: P2,000

Auditing Firm
Initial or Renewal
Filing Fee: P50,000
LRF*: P500
Total: P50,500

External Auditor
Initial or Renewal
Filing Fee: P5,000
LRF*: P50
Total: P5,050

* Legal Research Fee is equivalent to 1% of the Filing Fee but not less than P10.

11Submits the machine-validated PAF to OGA with the application and its supporting documentsForwards the PAF to the Assigned Personnel5 minutesExecutive Assistant

Documentary Stamp**

** Deferred until further notice

1Submits letter explanation on noted findings in receiving departmentAcknowledges receipt of letter explanation and forwards the same to the Assistant Director for assignment10 minutesExecutive Assistant  
2 Forwards documents to assigned personnel with attached copy of completed Pre-Evaluation Sheet for evaluation.10 minutesAssistant Director  
3 A. If no compliance is made within the prescribed period or compliance is not fully compliant with the requirements:    
  1) Checks contents and stamps and receives the three (3) sets of
application document
1 dayAssigned Personnel  

  2) Reviews letter and returns to Assigned Personnel to effect corrections.

If draft letter is already acceptable, forwards the same to General Accountant for approval and signature.

20 minutesAssistant Director  
B. If applicant meets threshold to qualify for accreditation but has noted material findings in the reviewed clients’ AFS:    
  1) Prepares an assessment letter and/or directive to submit amended AFS2 daysAssigned Personnel  

  2) Reviews letter and returns to Assigned Personnel to effect corrections.

If draft letter is already acceptable, forwards the same to General Accountant for approval and signature.

20 minutesAssistant Director  
 3) Approves and signs letter20 minutesGeneral Accountant  
 4) Prepares letter for mailing20 minutesIndex Tracking Personnel  
Presents assessment letter 5) Prepares Payment Assessment Form (PAF) for penalty and instructs applicant to process payment for penalty at the Cashier for issuance of official receipt10 minutesExecutive AssistantThe assessed penalty is based on SEC MC Nos. 8 and 13/ Revised SRC Rule 68 
Presents the PAF at the Cashier and settles the required penalty 6) Processes payment and issues O.R.10 minutesCashier  
Submits the machine-validated PAF to OGA 7) Records penalty collected and forwards PAF to Assistant Director5 minutesExecutive Assistant  
  8) Forwards documents to assigned personnel to form part of application documents5 minutesAssistant Director  
4 If applicant fully complies with the requirements and the operating departments have already provided a Memo-reply:    

 1) For Group A/B, prepares Memorandum to Commission En Banc, Evaluation Sheet and other supporting documents, i.e., working paper, matrix of findings, google searches on top ten (10) clients for any pending case/issues on them including the concurrence of BSP and/or IC on their approval/denial of the applications (through Supervising Commissioner) then GO TO STEP 5, 6 and 9.

2) For Group C, finalizes evaluation sheet and other supporting documents, i.e., working paper, matrix of findings, google searches on reviewed client-corporations for any pending case/issues on them including the concurrence of BSP and/or IC on their approval/denial of the applications for submission to General Accountant, then GO TO STEP 7, 8 and 9.

3 daysAssigned Personnel  

Reviews Memorandum, Evaluation Sheets and other supporting documents and returns to Assigned Personnel to effect corrections.

If Memorandum and other documents are already acceptable, forwards the same to General Accountant for approval and signature.

20 minutesAssistant Director  
6 Approves and signs Memorandum, Evaluation Sheets and other supporting documents. Forwards application folder to Supervising Commissioner for approval/clearance for presentation to Commission En Banc20 minutesGeneral Accountant  

Reviews Evaluation Sheets and other supporting documents and returns to Assigned Personnel to effect corrections.

If Evaluation Sheet and other documents are already acceptable, forwards the same to General Accountant for approval and signature.

20 minutesAssistant Director  
8 Approves and signs Evaluation Sheets and other supporting documents. Forwards the same to the Supervising Commissioner for final approval.20 minutesGeneral Accountant  

Reviews Memorandum / Evaluation Sheet and other documents.

For Group A/B, If application is already acceptable, signs document for presentation by General Accountant to Commission En Banc.

For Group C, if application is already acceptable, signs Evaluation Sheet and returns application folder to OGA for preparation of certificate. (GO TO STEP 12)

2 daysSupervising Commissioner  
10 Presents Memorandum to the Commission En Banc for consideration (after clearance from Supervising Commissioner)50 minutesGeneral Accountant  

Receives advice of the resolution of the Commission En Banc on the application

If approved, GO TO STEP 12.


1. If denied/deferred:

If draft letter is already acceptable, forwards the same to General Accountant for approval and signature.

• Denial: Notifies the applicant of the denial and reasons thereof

• Deferment: Notifies the applicant of the deferment and requirement to be complied with or necessary action to correct the deficiency.

1 dayAssigned Personnel  

2. Reviews letter and returns to Assigned Personnel to effect corrections.

If draft letter is already acceptable, forwards the same to General Accountant for approval and signature.

20 minutesSupervising Accountant  
3. Approves and signs letter20 minutesGeneral Accountant  
4. Prepares letter for mailing20 minutesIndex Tracking Personnel  
12Submits letter explanation on noted findings in receiving departmentAcknowledges receipt of letter explanation and forwards the same to the Assistant Director for assignment10 minutesExecutive Assistant  
 a. Prints two (2) copies10 minutesExecutive Assistant  
 b. Checks details and Initials on copies5 minutesAssigned Personnel  
 c. Checks details and Initials on copies5 minutesAssistant Director  
 d. Signs certificates5 minutesGeneral Accountant  
 e. Notifies applicant that the Certificate may be picked up (in case of representative, subject to presentation of authorization letter)5 minutesExecutive Assistant  
 f. Releases Certificate of accreditation and forwards duplicate file to clerk10 minutesExecutive Assistant  
 g. Logs in registry of Accredited Appraisal Companies; informs Index Tracking Personnel of the issuance of the certificate.10 minutesExecutive Assistant  
 h. Provides MIS with updated list30 minutesExecutive Assistant  
 i. Updates tracking system30 minutesIndex Tracking Personnel  
Pre-evaluation of application:10 days and 1 hour
Processing of application:20 days
Total duration:20 days

• Processing time is exclusive of time allotted for the AFS evaluation and response period from first comment letter. The above processing time commences upon actual receipt of letter explanation from the applicant on the noted findings on the AFS evaluation.

• The above processing time only includes the period of time wherein the application is within the Office of the General Accountant. It likewise excludes extensions, requirements to amend the audited financial statements, additional procedures/documents that the Supervising Commissioner/Commission en banc may require as deemed necessary and period of time to receive the concurrence of BSP and/or IC on the approval/denial of the applications.

• Additional processing time of 20 days shall be added from the total processing time if the assigned personnel requested supplemental information due to insufficiency of the applicant’s explanation on noted findings. Such supplemental shall be requested before the original processing time lapse.

• The Commission may either grant a five (5) year SEC accreditation or a conditional accreditation subject to the result of the review. The applicant may only avail or be granted conditional accreditation on the same level up to three (3) times only.