No. | Description |
R.A. 11232 | Revised Corporation Code of the Philippines Table of Contents Notice of Effectivity Comparative Matrix of CC and RCC RCC Salient Points Graphic |
B.P. 68 | Corporation Code of the Philippines |
R.A. 8799 | Securities Regulation Code |
B.P. 66 | Act Amending Investment Houses Law |
R.A. 9510 | Credit Information System Act |
R.A. 7042 | Foreign Investment Act |
R.A. 8179 | Liberalized Foreign Investment Act |
R.A. 2629 | Investment Company Act |
R.A. 8366 | Liberalizing the Investment House Industry |
R.A. 8556 | The Financing Company Act |
R.A. 9474 | Lending Company Regulation Act |
R.A. 9505 | Personal Equity and Retirement Account Act |
R.A. 9856 | Real Estate Investment Trust Act |
R.A. 9267 | Securitization Act of 2004 |
P.D. 129 | The Investment Houses Law |